PSA Blood Test Event

Saturday 26th - November 2022
Havant Lions in association with PCaSO your local Prostate Cancer Support Organisation, are hosting a PSA* Blood Test Event at Deverell Hall. For men aged between 40 and 80 years of age. There is no charge for this service but donations are welcome to help offset costs. As an example each test costs the charity between £12 to £15.
You can register online from 1st September 2022
By strict - appointment only
By appointment only. PLEASE DO NOT CONTACT DEVERELL HALL TO MAKE A BOOKING - you need to register for a test via the links shown on our page. First come, first served basis. 314 spaces (320) are/were available at the time of writing.
- Men aged between 40 to 80 years;
- You need to register online using the links shown below;
*Prostate Specific Antigen - an indicator of prostate health. During your appointment a small blood sample is taken from a vein in your arm. You will be notified of the results within 5 to 10 days.
PSA Testing Event Video
This four and a half minute video was made by PCaSO including footage from a PSA testing event held by PCaSO at Hove in 2019. In this video Consultant Urologist Christopher Eden discusses Prostate Cancer and the PSA test. PCaSO will give you a leaflet at the test event giving information about the test and there will also be a PCaSO volunteer to answer questions before having the test. Please take a moment to watch the video prior to progressing with making your booking.
How to register
Step by step instructions
It will take about 5 to 10 minutes to register and get your appointment booked in. For those of you who might not be so "tech-savvy" we have provided a walk-through of the steps.
Go to the events page
Visit the Events Page and choose Deverell Hall for the venue - PCaSO & Havant Lions PSA Testing Event Waterlooville.
You need to register.

When you have registered, you will see a screen like this one below. Click OK.

Now choose the time slot that suits you best, or the select from options remaining.

Please watch the video and then tick the box to say that you agree, have watched the video and then choose Proceed to Booking.

Complete the box (as shown below). If you know your National Insurance Number or NHS Number then you can choose to provide them at this stage, but that is completely optional.

You will see a screen similar to the one below asking you how you would like to receive your results. Simply click on whichever option you prefer.

Tick all the disclaimer boxes and the one at the bottom.

If you have done everything correctly you will see a screen like this below.

Check your email inbox
You will get two emails - one confirming your registration has been successful.

The second email shows you the booking has been accepted.

For further information about this event follow the link below:
PCaSO Registration & Events