Our Location

Our Location

Deverell Hall Google Map

Deverell Hall is located in the village of Purbrook, less than a mile from the main Waterlooville town centre, and directly beside Campbell Crescent. The full postal address for the hall is:

Deverell Hall, London Road, Waterlooville, PO7 5JU.

PLEASE NOTE: This address is NOT where you must send any bookings agreements, or payments to. When you book the hall, the agreements and payments are sent to the Bookings Secretary who deals with the booking applications, and then passes the payments onto the Treasurer for processing.

Find us on Google Maps

Most hirers are local residents who know where Deverell Hall is located. However, if you are unfamilar with the area, then click the View Map button below to see where we are on Google Maps.

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What's Happening

At Deverell Hall in Purbrook we host a wide range of regular groups who use the facilities. Here are just a selection of just a few of them.